
Original Art: A Spiritual Exploration with Angelic Expressions


Exploring Art Spaces: the Spiritual Essence of Original Art When we dive into the art world, whether strolling through the halls of a gallery or scrolling through an online platform, a certain magic unfolds. Original art is a diverse language of creativity, inviting us to be part of the conversation. Original art flows into our imagination, sparking countless possibilities. As [...]

Original Art: A Spiritual Exploration with Angelic Expressions2024-03-05T13:18:26+00:00

Calling on Angels: How to Connect with Divine Energy for Healing and Guidance


Angels are celestial beings that guide and protect us on our journey through life, offering healing power that can help us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When we need it most, connecting with angels can bring a sense of peace and comfort, and tapping into their presence is a beautiful way to experience the wonder of their energy. If you're looking [...]

Calling on Angels: How to Connect with Divine Energy for Healing and Guidance2024-03-05T13:17:44+00:00

Is the Type of Paper Important for Fine Art Prints?


I'm a total geek when it comes to paper There is much debate surrounding what type of paper should be used for printing fine art.  I am one of those people who believe that using the right paper is essential for quality prints. And there is no denying it - I'm a total geek when it comes to paper and [...]

Is the Type of Paper Important for Fine Art Prints?2024-03-05T13:19:17+00:00

Transported By Art


Transported by art: how buying art can take you on a truly personal journey Art is a powerful force. Accepting its beauty with no intellectual understanding can be challenging but it allows us to simply feel and explore our own emotions on a deeper level. This makes the process of buying art completely personal. Logic is not always at the [...]

Transported By Art2022-10-11T10:22:29+00:00

Choosing A Creative Path To Awareness


Mindfulness and art come hand in hand. They cross beautifully. Most artists experience this beautiful connection during the creative process – constantly listening to the quiet voice, responding, and making marks from the hand of intuition. There’s nothing more delightful than that creative pop when a new idea explodes into life. You might have heard of ‘mindfulness’. It’s the new [...]

Choosing A Creative Path To Awareness2024-01-15T08:38:17+00:00

Why I First Fell In Love With Modern Art


Love at first sight is an amazing feeling. And it happened to me in the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art in New York. I was 21 at the time when I decided to visit the Met. And that was when it happened. The work was Eve by Barnett Newman. It blew me away: I loved the composition and the whole [...]

Why I First Fell In Love With Modern Art2022-08-31T13:11:06+00:00

A Beginner’s Guide To Modern Art


Modern Art is not really all that modern. It dates from the end of the 19th century until the 1960s. Modern Art is also not one coherent style. It’s a loose term for the succession of styles that dominated Western art and architecture for much of the twentieth century. Despite the loose nature of the umbrella term of Modern Art, [...]

A Beginner’s Guide To Modern Art2022-10-10T13:24:15+00:00

The Black Square


THE BLACK SQUARE- MALEVICH (1879 -1935) AT THE TATE MODERN Malevich is one of the pioneers of Modern abstract art, so I was really pleased to finally see a retrospective of this Ukrainian-born painter at the Tate Modern. The exhibition takes you on a fascinating journey from early cubism and futurism through his suprematist period, ending with his figurative works, [...]

The Black Square2022-07-17T12:44:18+00:00

Transmitting Warhol


Transmitting Warhol – Tate Liverpool If you’re suffering from the January Blues, why not treat yourself to a weekend away to discover the man who transformed the modern art world and catch Transmitting Andy Warhol at Tate Liverpool. Bold, bright and quintessentially Pop Art, it is guaranteed to inject colour back into your life. I loved the exhibition for a [...]

Transmitting Warhol2022-07-17T12:40:56+00:00

How To Hang Art In Your Home Or Business


Where you hang your art is extremely important. Otherwise it feels uncomfortable – a bit like a shoe that doesn’t fit. Every piece has to blend with its surroundings and the spacing has to be just right. Here’s some helpful advice to help each painting work in harmony with your home or office. Not many people realise that curating art [...]

How To Hang Art In Your Home Or Business2022-07-17T12:30:53+00:00


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