Kindred Spirit

Oil & mix media on canvas
120cm x 90cm

Copyright the Iaysha Art Studio


Kindred Spirit” symbolizes the joy of friendships and the connections that unite all souls, whether near or far, present or not. This angel reminds us that we are never truly alone, as we are all kindred spirits on a shared journey. The painting evokes a sense of warmth and comfort, inspiring us to cherish the relationships in our lives and to cultivate a sense of belonging and connection with others. “Kindred Spirit” serves as a reminder that we are all part of a greater whole and that our individual journeys are intertwined with the journeys of others.”

To all my kindred spirits, past, present or future, I love you all.


Oil on Canvas
120cm x 90cm

A fun and playful Angel who connects with every Soul and sees nothing but herself. A ‘Kindred Spirit‘.
