Angels are celestial beings that guide and protect us on our journey through life, offering healing power that can help us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When we need it most, connecting with angels can bring a sense of peace and comfort, and tapping into their presence is a beautiful way to experience the wonder of their energy.

If you’re looking to connect with your angels, here are some gentle ways to do so:

  1. Create a sacred space: Find a quiet place where you can focus your attention and invite angelic energy into your life. This could mean lighting candles, playing soft music, or simply taking some deep breaths to calm your mind.
  2. Connect through meditation or visualization: Focusing your attention and intention through meditation or visualization can create a channel for communication with your angels.
  3. Invite angels through prayer or sacred ceremony: Prayers and sacred ceremonies can help invite angels into your life and create a deeper connection with the divine.
  4. Explore your creativity: Being creative in any form, such as painting, singing, dancing, or writing, can be a powerful way to connect with angelic energy and healing power.
  5. Ask for a sign: Be open to the synchronicities and coincidences that may appear in your life. These may be messages from your angels, such as seeing numbers on a clock or finding white feathers.
  6. Spend time in nature: Nature is a healing environment that can help quiet the mind and focus your attention on the present moment. Taking a walk through a forest or along the beach can automatically rejuvenate you.
  7. Have a painting or image of an angel: A painting or image of an angel can serve as a gentle reminder that these beings are close by, offering comfort and guidance.
  8. Angels may also come to you in your dreams, giving you guidance, so it might be helpful to have a journal close at hand to write and recall any dreams.

I’ve personally experienced the healing power of angels through encounters with orbs, colourful lights, and gentle guidance. By connecting with angels, we can find peace, comfort, and guidance in our lives. Trust that your angels are working for your highest good, even if the outcome may not be what you expected. They see the bigger picture.

Angels are always close by, waiting to be called upon. With their lighthearted nature, angels bring joy and lift our mood, even during difficult times. They have the ability to diffuse challenging situations and offer new perspectives in an instant. Asking for a benevolent outcome allows us to trust that things are unfolding for our highest good.

Connecting with angels is a personal journey. Use techniques that feel most natural to you, and trust the messages you receive. With practice, you will develop a deeper connection with the angels and experience the peace, comfort, and guidance that they offer.

May you find comfort, peace, and healing through your connection with angels. 

If you have any healing stories with Angels, I would love to hear them. Email me at

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